Educational resources and tools designed to help achieve positive outcomes with weight loss and weight maintenance within your organization
Educational resources and tools designed to help
achieve positive outcomes with weight loss and
weight maintenance within your organization.
The following modules include content designed to assist with weight management for appropriate employees. The program consists of 5 impactful modules.
The Weigh Forward Program Overview
A 1-page overview with descriptions of all 5 learning modules.
The Weigh Forward Module 1: Recognize the Impact
Explores the extent of the obesity epidemic, the health risks of obesity, and the ways in which obesity can be costly to your organization.
The Weigh Forward Module 2: Know Your Numbers
Provides key metrics for identifying employees with obesity and includes other obesity-related information.
The Weigh Forward Module 3: Act Now
A step-by-step guide to help you ensure coverage for AOMs in your health plan.
The Weigh Forward Module 4: Engage Your At-Risk Population
Educational information and resources designed to help you raise awareness about the risks of obesity and the importance of weight management.
The Weigh Forward Module 5: Measure the Success
A measurement framework to assess the impact of adding an addendum or rider for AOMs to your benefits offerings.
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50 State Obesity Fact Sheets
Up-to-date information about risks, implications, and productivity data for your state.
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Obesity Conventions Handout
Learn to navigate weight-management and AOM coverage in your organization.
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Examples of Letters to Providers
Foster employee wellness with sample letters to help navigate obesity coverage.
The “Biggest Loser” Study Brochure
Learn more about how a person’s metabolic system affects the ability to lose weight.
Considerations for Obesity Care Management
Learn about the core components of obesity management, in particular including AOMs as a critical part of an effective and comprehensive weight-management program.
Federal Employee Health Benefit Program Backgrounder
Learn about the updates to the Federal Employee Health Benefit program and how they will affect you.
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The Science of Obesity
Learn about the science behind the chronic disease of obesity, including its comorbidities, its prevalence, and the impact of weight loss.
The Economic Impact of Obesity on Your Organization
Learn about the financial burden of obesity and how this disease has the potential to impact your organization’s bottom line.
The Management of Obesity for Appropriate Individuals: Sample Questions and Answers
A helpful sample Q&A outlining common questions and answers surrounding the management of obesity within an organization.
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Weight-Loss Cycle
Educate employees on what this cycle is and how they might break it.
The Tug-of-War of Weight Management
Help your employees understand why they may go through periods of weight loss and weight gain.
TrueWeight® Report
Your employees can create a personalized report to help develop a weight-management plan with their healthcare providers.
Obesity Treatment Options
Give your employees information about the options they have for weight management.
What is Obesity?
How is it measured? What is BMI? Why try to manage weight? How do you break the cycle?
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What Is Obesity?
How is it measured? What is BMI? Why try to manage weight? How do you break the cycle?
Weight-Loss Cycle
Educate employees on what this cycle is and how they might break it.
The Tug-of-War of Weight Management
Help your employees understand why they may go through periods of weight loss and weight gain.
Obesity Treatment Options
Give your employees information about the options they have for weight management.
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The Science of Obesity Video
Would you like to learn more about the science of obesity? This video provides a basic scientific understanding of obesity, its potential causes, and potential treatments.
Ytisebo Video
This video discusses the stigma around obesity and presents obesity as a disease
Time for a New Approach Video
The video presents the burden of obesity and how you can help drive change.
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